ASIS&T 2002
I was away most of last week at the ASIS&T 2002 Annual Meeting. The theme was “Information Connections & Community.” It may have been due to the set theme or perhaps something bigger, but the sessions were infused with a number of common points and conclusions. These points included strategies that emphasized taking advantage of bottom up and emergent behavior, socially translucent systems, plus lots of cross disciplinary research and collaboration.
First time for me to attend the ASIS&T Annual and it was a very good experience. Every session had at least three different talks I wanted to attend at once. It was exhausting and required a goodly amount of coffee to keep going. Unfortunately, I didn’t get to see many of the sites of Philly. Oh well.
A site I glimpsed | Victor recaffeinating |
More notes on sessions coming up.
in Form: Conference, Process: Researching
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